Smithdown in Bloom launch event

Our launch event took place at Greenbank Primary School on Saturday 25th March. We welcomed hundreds of local residents, to tell them more about Smithdown in Bloom and to raise funds for our next planter.

During the event we displayed the 144 entries to our art competition from pupils of Greenbank Primary School, and there were certificates and prizes for the winners in each category (Early Years Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). The winning entries were chosen by local artist Deborah Butler, who then displayed them in her gallery window.

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, we were able to raise money from a book, plant and seed sale and refreshments.

We had terrific support from local businesses, who donated prizes to our raffle. Many thanks to Smithdown Eyecare, the Black Cat, Dead Ink Books, Bleach and artist Julia Reid.

We were very pleased and grateful that television personality and environmental champion Simon O’Brien came to support us – presenting the art competition prizes, drawing the raffle and staying to chat to residents. Thanks Simon!

Our launch event raised £465.35 in just two hours! Along with another donation we received, this means we had the funds to buy a third planter, and to buy the compost and flowers for it. The planter joined the other two on the traffic island at the Smithdown Road/Greenbank Drive junction in late April.

We also signed up over 20 new volunteers who offered help with fundraising, planting, weeding, watering and litter-picking!

It all goes to show what a great community we live in and what we can achieve when we all come together.