Volunteer with Smithdown in Bloom

We are always looking for volunteers to help out with Smithdown in Bloom.

For each planter site, our aim is that residents and businesses will take care of the planter in their own street, with support from Smithdown in Bloom. See the list of Smithdown in Bloom planter sites.

We are constantly fundraising to buy more planters. We also have to buy compost and suitable plants and flowers. Can you fundraise for us? We don’t expect you to raise all of the funds for one planter – every little helps!

We also need volunteers to help with our three planters on the junction of Smithdown Road/Greenbank Drive/Ullet Road. This includes planting, weeding, watering and litter picking.

If you’d like to help we’d love to hear from you!

We are a non-party political volunteer group of local residents. No volunteer activities can be used to promote political parties, elected politicians or prospective political candidates. All of our volunteers agree that no aspect of Smithdown in Bloom will be used in election material or party political literature (on and offline). Smithdown in Bloom is a project for the community by the community.

Photo © Mister Stock/Shutterstock